PRP Therapy

PRP Therapy: A Natural Way to Revitalize Your Hair and Skin

Most of us desire to achieve flawless skin and voluminous hair. However, no matter how many treatments you go through, you don’t always get the desired results.  PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) is one such cutting-edge procedure that gives your skin the healthy glow that you always wanted – and nourishes your hair to grow and shine.

This innovative procedure undertaken at reputed skin and hair clinic in Kolkata, like Image Clinic, involves using patients’ own blood to extract concentrated platelets – which are rich in growth factors and healing properties. These platelets are then injected into the targeted areas of the scalp and skin to stimulate collagen production, enhance skin texture and promote hair growth.

With PRP treatment, you can achieve the flawlessness that you have always longed for!

Understanding PRP Therapy For Skin And Hair Treatment

Before undergoing any professional skin and hair treatment, having an understanding of the treatment helps you understand the process better while enjoying the treatment without any doubts and queries. 

What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

Platelet-rich plasma is a mixture of the liquid part of the blood, called plasma, along with the cells called platelets. Dermatologists take a small sample of blood from your arm and put it in a special machine that spins it very fast. This separates the blood into different parts. The dermatologist in the skin and hair clinic in Kolkata takes the part with the platelets and discards away the rest.

The Science Behind PRP Therapy 

Palates play a very crucial role in healing the body by releasing special substances – with growth factors and cytokines – which aid in tissue repair and growth. As mentioned earlier, this professional skin and hair treatment takes a little bit of your blood, spins it to separate the platelets, and then injects the platelet-rich part into the area that needs healing – which helps stimulate the body’s natural healing process.

PRP For Skin Rejuvenation 

As a non-surgical cosmetic procedure for skin rejuvenation, this treatment has gained widespread popularity. When the platelet-rich plasma is injected into the skin for treatment, it boosts collagen production, improves skin texture and elasticity and minimizes the visibility of lines and wrinkles. Also, it treats the skin from acne scars, sun damage, and hyperpigmentation.

Advantages of PRP for Skin Rejuvenation

These are some some the benefits of PRP treatment on the skin:

  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Promotes skin regeneration
  • Evens out skin tone
  • Rejuvenates dull skin
  • Restores volume
  • Enhances skin hydration
  • Provides overall rejuvenation

Important Read: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Hair Treatment for Your Specific Needs

How Does PRP Skin Treatment Work?

The  platelet-rich-plasma is inserted into the skin in two ways:

Through Injections – where the PRP is inserted into the targeted area of the skin via a small needle. 

Micro-needling can also be in certain areas of the skin or face to stimulate collagen production or improve the appearance of the skin.

Tropical Application: After extracting the platelet-rich plasma from the blood, the dermatologist applies it directly onto the skin. PRP is often used on the face during facials because it can be absorbed by the skin and help produce collagen.

When undertaken under the guidance of professional dermatologists in a reputed skin and hair clinic in Kolkata – you will witness immediate results of this treatment.

PRP For Hair Regrowth 

PRP treatment shoes have promising results in promoting hair growth and reducing hair fall. When platelet-rich plasma is injected into the scalp, it helps stimulate the hair follicles and extends the growth phase of the hair cycle. This makes the hair thicker and proves to be highly beneficial for people suffering from androgenetic alopecia or hair thinning.

Advantages of PRP for Hair Treatment

These are some of the benefits of PRP on the hair:

  • Stimulates hair follicles, promotes hair growth, and improves density.
  • Prevents hair thinning and hair loss
  • Assists in treating patchy hair loss 
  • Helps with hair loss caused by stress, hormonal changes, deficiencies, or medical conditions
  • Improves hair quality and texture
  • Promotes healing, graft survival, and optimal growth after a hair transplant.

How  PRP Treatment Works For Hair?

The PRP treatment for hair works through injections. This process works by:

Preparation: A little bit of blood is taken from the patient’s arm and spun in a machine to separate the part with the platelets from the other parts.

Injection: Once the PRP is ready, it’s injected into the scalp with a tiny needle in the places where you want hair to grow.

Distribution: The injections are spread out evenly on the parts of the scalp that need more hair. The goal is to get the special substances in PRP directly to the hair follicles.

Stimulation: The special substances in PRP help increase blood flow to the scalp and stimulate the dormant hair follicles. This encourages the hair follicles to enter the growth stage and helps the hair follicles grow better and stronger.

Get Your PRP Treatment At The Most Trusted Skin And Hair Clinic In Kolkata

PRP therapy is a great way to make your skin look younger and help hair grow thicker. It’s a natural and safe treatment that can improve your skin’s texture, reduce wrinkles, and stimulate hair growth. But before you try it, make sure to talk to a certified dermatologist who is experienced in PRP.

Image Clinic is a reputed aesthetic clinic in Kolkata, specializing in different types of skin and hair treatment. With a team of experienced dermatologists and cosmetologists, using state-of-the-art equipment and advanced techniques – we ensure safe and effective treatments addressing various skin and hair concerns. We are trusted by renowned Tollywood and Bollywood actors and actresses for their skin and hair – and we are proud to have them as our client base.

Want skin and hair like your favourite movie star? Book a consultation today!