laser treatment in Kolkata

Is Skin Laser Treatment Safe For Sensitive Skin?

From hyperpigmentation and wrinkles to birthmarks and certain veins – laser treatment stands as an effective treatment for a wide array of skin issues. But when you have sensitive skin, you automatically start thinking, is skin laser treatment the right one for you?

Sensitive skin automatically weakens your skin’s barrier function – which means that you experience more sensitivity compared to a non-sensitive person. The good news is: a well-executed laser treatment in Kolkata, combined with proper care, even people with sensitive skin can benefit from laser treatment.

Pathophysiology of Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin often results from a weakened skin barrier. This makes the skin more vulnerable to external triggers, such as pollution, heat, sun, or cold. The naked skin becomes inflamed and red. Skin’s protective natural barrier is composed of lipids that hold skin cells together, and help to keep moisture inside. But the skin becomes permeable when the barrier of the skin is compromised which makes space for allergens and irritants to penetrate into the skin.

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Choosing The Right Laser For Your Sensitive Skin 

Laser treatments designed for sensitive skin help minimize irritation and discomfort while providing effective results.

These are some laser options for sensitive skin:

Non Ablative Laser

Non-ablative lasers are a milder laser treatment that is good for sensitive skin. This laser works by focusing the energy, which is considerably lower, into the underlying tissue to stimulate collagen production. It also smoothens the skin, prevents wrinkles and gets rid of the scars without damaging the skin. Also, it enhances the radiance of the skin.

Fractionated Laser 

Introduced in 1994, fractional lasers like Fraxel can be a complete game changer for skin-lightening treatment for sensitive skin. It delivers heat and light to only a small portion of the skin at a time. Instead of damaging the entire skin surface, laser technology now uses tiny, focused beams of light to target specific areas. This allows for quicker healing without harming the surrounding skin. Since it reduces the risk of extensive irritation, this approach is beneficial for sensitive skin.

Intense Pulse Light (IPL)

Also known as light therapies or violet-blue light is another treatment for skin woes. Though it is not exactly a laser, it is a kind of rejuvenation treatment that has the same effects as lasers but is more focused and gentle. Unlike traditional lasers that use a single beam, light therapy uses multiple light wavelengths at once. There are different types of lasers for various skin conditions like rosacea, spider veins, sun spots, and pigmentation issues. Some common laser types include Q-switched, pulsed dye, Nd: YAG, and Picosecond.

V-Beam Laser 

This laser is designed to treat redness and vascular issues – which is a good laser treatment in Kolkata for treating sensitive skin.

755 Alexandrite Laser and Long Pulse 1064 Laser

This is another laser treatment for treating skin conditions, especially those affecting sensitive skin, without causing excessive irritation.

How To Pick The Right Laser For Your Sensitive Skin?

Choosing the right laser treatment in Kolkata is very esential to mitigate the side effects and risks associated with this treatment. Here are some steps to consider:

  • Work with a professional who is well-versed in various lasers. They can customize treatments using a combination of different lasers and wavelengths tailored to your specific needs.
  • Before your appointment, make a list of your top three skin concerns to help your dermatologist quickly determine the most suitable laser or light therapy for you. Don’t refrain from asking questions.
  • Different skin tones react differently to lasers. Dermatologists use the Fitzpatrick scale to classify skin type, and you should consult with them before undergoing any skin laser.
  • Lasers aren’t a magic cure for acne. While they can help acne scars, they’re not ideal for active breakouts. Blue or blue-red light treatments might be better but often work best with other acne medications.

Book Laser Treatment in Kolkata at Image Clinic 

If you have sensitive skin, you have to be extra cautious when choosing a laser treatment. If you’re looking for skin laser treatment for sensitive skin – Image Clinic’s certified and experienced dermatologists can help prepare personalised treatment plans for you. 

Book your consultation today!