Acne scars removal treatments: No one is new to acne. Both men and women go through severe acne problems at least once, during their pre-teen or teen years.
Usually, the acne vanishes over time but, the worst part of all – it leaves behind severe scars and dents that don’t go anywhere.
This often affects one’s aesthetics and self-confidence.
People try over-the-counter medicines and acne scar removal cream that can at times (very rarely) prove to be effective.
But when the scars and the blemishes are deep, any cream or over-the-counter medicine won’t help.
In such situations, you need to look for acne scars removal treatments, like laser treatment for acne scars that ‘actually work to help get rid of acne scars, permanently.
Here, at Image Clinic, you bring you the best acne scars removal treatments at the most affordable price.
If you are planning to get professional acne scar removal treatment, you must go through this article now.
This will help you wrap your head around the reasons, the treatments, the cost – and everything you must know before going for any professional acne scars removal treatments.
What causes acne scars?
Acne results from clogged hair follicles. Regular pollution leads to the accumulation of oil, dirt, and dead skin cells on the skin surface that clog the pores and create small, localized infections, called acne.
Regular breakouts as a teenager or as an adult may result in severe acne scars, based on the healing process of the skin. The risk of developing acne scars is higher when:
- Your severe breakouts consist of nodules and cysts.
- You have inflammatory acne.
- You popped, picked, and squeezed the acne.
- When acne and acne scars run in your family.
If you’ve been through or going through any of these scenarios, your acne scars are serious and need acne scars removal treatment from professional dermatologists at Image Clinic.
What are the different types of acne?
Generally, there are two types of acne scars: atrophic (depressed) and hypertrophic (elevated).
The type of acne you get depends on the collagen level of the skin and the healing power of the skin after a breakout.
Other than these two types of acne scars, dermatologists at Image Clinic further subdivides atrophic (depressed) acne into 3 different types:
- Rolling Scars where the pit on the skin has a swelling appearance and round margins with a diameter of approximately 5mm.
- Ice pick scars where the acne has sharp margins and narrow, vertical scars with a diameter of 2mm or less.
- Boxcar scars are more like an extensive form of rolling acne with wider margins and widths ranging from 1.5mm to 4mm.
Hypertrophic (elevated) acne are also known as keloids and only 10% of the acne scars we come across are hypertrophic.
How does laser treatment for acne scars work?
At Image Clinic, we take extra care and precautions when using laser treatment for acne scars.
Our expert dermatologists use high-intensity laser-focused light energy to treat the scarred tissues. The deeper layers of the skin absorb the heat generated by the laser beam and stimulate fibroblast cells which increases the production of collagen in the skin.
This helps to treat the damaged tissues and remodel the scar tissues – which in turn reduces the appearance of the scars and improves the texture of the skin.
Our acne scars removal treatment is used on all types of post-acne scars and also treats scars left from chickenpox.
Depending on the case and the condition, our dermatologists may recommend laser treatment for acne scars as a standalone treatment or can even couple it with acne scars removal treatments for better results.
What does laser removal acne scars cost in Kolkata?
Firstly, laser removal acne scars cost varies from clinic to clinic and depends on the area, the type and the severity of the case to be treated, and also the number of sessions required.
On average, the cost of laser acne scars removal varies between Rs.7000 to Rs. 20,000.
If you want the best yet affordable acne scars removal, book your consultation with expert dermatologists at Image Clinic today!
Except for lasers, what are the other ways of acne scars removal?
If you’re not comfortable with laser treatment for acne scars, you can use various acne scar removal cream available in the market. Our dermatologists can guide you with the best acne scar removal products for your skin type.
But if you are not a fan of acne scar removal cream, then we have other removal acne scars face treatments.
- Chemical Peels: This acne scars removal treatment helps exfoliate the upper layers of the dead skin; the cost varies between Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 7,000 per session.
- Micro-needling Radiofrequency (MNRF): This treatment uses radiofrequency currents to reduce acne scars; the cost varies between Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 25,000 per session.
- Microdermabrasion: This treatment works by removing the dead layers of the skin and revealing the undamaged, firmer skin underneath; the cost varies from Rs. 2,000 and Rs 5,000 per session. This acne scars removal treatment is a bit abrasive.
- Dermal Fillers: In this treatment, the doctor uses hyaluronic acid to treat the depressed scar and fills up the area for a few months or a year. The cost varies between Rs. 20,000 to Rs.1,00,000 per session, depending on the brand your dermatologist is using.
Other than these, there are various other acne scars removal treatments available at Image Clinic. Visit us directly to consult our dermatologists to know more.
Don’t let acne or acne scars take a toll on your life. Visit Image Clinic today and get rid of all acne scars with our acne scars removal treatments.
Hurry! Call us today at +91 94337 06234 and get an appointment!